
If you want to temporarily cease trading for 6 weeks or longer, you need to lodge a cease to trade notification.

Even though you have temporarily ceased trading, you're still subject to the annual liquor licence fee.

What you need

  • a MyServiceNSW Account
  • liquor licence number
  • liquor licence name
  • personal details if an individual
  • ABN, ACN and Y/Inc if an organisation
  • date of ceasing trading
  • reason for ceasing trading
  • personal details and residential and/or postal address for the contact person
  • signed declaration.

How to lodge

  1. Select the ‘Lodge online’ button.
  2. Log in, or create your MyServiceNSW Account.
  3. Follow the prompts to lodge a cease to trade notification.
  4. Attach any supporting documents.
  5. Submit your application with payment.

More information

  • When the licensed premises is ready to recommence trading, you will need to lodge a recommence trading application through the liquor licence manager.
  • If the licensed premises is ceasing to trade permanently, you'll need to complete the surrender liquor licence application through the liquor licence manager.

To make sure that you have all the information and documentation you need to complete this transaction, please visit Liquor and Gaming NSW.

Last updated: 28 November 2023