How we can help

Get free one-on-one coaching and advice delivered by Aboriginal peoples, who can assist with the cultural needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business owners.

Aboriginal Business Advisory Initiative (ABAI) advisors bring their own lived experience, knowledge of small business operations and strong community connections to the coaching sessions.

 Find an ABAI advisor  Book a call

How it works

The Aboriginal Business Advisory Initiative is fully funded by the NSW Government for eligible Aboriginal small businesses and individuals considering starting a new business in NSW. Watch this one-minute video to learn how to access the program. 

Customer spotlight

Lyniece Keogh has been our ABAI business advisor since November, 2022, and it was around this time that we were considering expanding the business and exploring the possibility of having a physical studio premises in town in Tamworth. 

Lyniece has been absolutely invaluable on our business journey, helping us with startup advice, business planning, strategy, and procurement, and helping us to clearly articulate our vision and our purpose.

We successfully launched the Indigico Creative Studio in Tamworth, new South Wales in April, 2023.

We are so excited to have created a space that is a showcase of First Nations culture, art, and products from across the Gomeroi region and around the state.

When a business owner in Tamworth was thinking about expanding her business, she met with an Aboriginal Business Advisory Initiative advisor for help with start-up advice, business planning, strategy, and procurement. Watch this one-minute video to learn about the results.

Last updated: 1 May 2024