Service NSW (in partnership with Multicultural NSW) is hosting the Multicultural Youth Linker Program for young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds who would like help with settling in New South Wales. Service NSW is collecting your personal information to assist you in creating an appointment with a Service NSW Youth Linker. A Service NSW Youth Linker can assist with navigating and accessing government services that may be available.  

Types of personal information we collect

Service NSW will collect your personal information before and during your appointment. This will include:

  • First name (mandatory)
  • Last name (mandatory) 
  • Email address (mandatory)
  • Mobile number (mandatory)
  • Postcode (mandatory)
  • Residential address (optional)
  • Landline number (optional)
  • Hearing assistance (optional)
  • Preferred contact method (phone or email) (mandatory)
  • Request for interpreter service and requested language (mandatory)
  • Your family background (optional)
  • The year you arrived in Australia (mandatory) 

You may book an appointment through your existing MyServiceNSW Account or you can book as a guest. Providing us with the requested information is not required by law. However, if you choose not to provide us with the requested information, we may not be able to provide you with the relevant support.

How we will use and disclose this information

Service NSW is collecting your personal information for the following purposes: 

  • to create a new appointment with a Service NSW Youth Linker
  • to communicate with you about your appointment and if requested, a follow up appointment
  • to contact you for the purposes of evaluating the services provided to you
  • to contact you for the purposes of receiving your feedback relating to the program, if requested
  • other directly related purposes.

Service NSW collects, maintains and uses information about you for our internal administrative purposes, including for the purpose of our interactions with you. 

Service NSW may share aggregate information with our partner agency, Multicultural NSW, to report on the Multicultural Youth Linker Program. All information for analytical and reporting purposes will be de-identified. This will not contain any personally identifiable information.  

Service NSW will not disclose your personal information to any other party for any purposes not already stated in this privacy notice, or to which you have not otherwise consented, unless Service NSW is required, or authorised, by law to do so. 

Further information

Please see our privacy statement for more information about how Service NSW handles your personal information. This includes how you can access and seek correction of the information, how privacy enquiries or complaints can be made, how information is securely stored and how to contact us. Service NSW is located at 2-24 Rawson Place Sydney NSW 2000.

Last updated: 13 January 2025