
The Green Slip Check is a quick and easy way to get a CTP Green Slip quote comparison from all insurers, for the most common vehicle types.

There is auto-complete functionality if your rego is current and due for renewal within 3 months.

Alternatively, you can fill out the details manually.

What you need

For auto complete:

  • your driver licence number (private use registration only) or renewal billing number
  • the number plate of the vehicle.

If you're completing the details manually, you'll need:

  • the registration due date
  • details of the vehicle
  • the current insurance details
  • owner/operator/driver's details.

How to check

For auto complete:

  1. Select the 'Check online' button.
  2. Enter your driver licence number or billing number, and the vehicle's plate number.
  3. Select 'Submit'.
  4. Review the prices displayed.

Completing the details manually:

  1. Select the 'Check online' button.
  2. Select 'Fill out details manually'.
  3. Enter the required information.
  4. Review the prices displayed.
Last updated: 25 June 2020

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