Driver licence support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Resources to get your driver licence and proof of identification documents

Driver licence support

Getting a driver licence is an important step in accessing education, employment and health services, as well as connecting to family, community, land, and water. 

There are a number of programs and services available to help you get and keep your driver licence. 

Driver licence guide

Need help getting your licence? Follow this step-by-step guide to go from learner to full licence.

Driver Licensing Access Program (DLAP)

Access culturally appropriate support to help you get your driver licence. The program is free for eligible participants.


Access customised programs and workshops to learn safe driving skills and get your licence.

Licensed & On the Road

Ace Community Colleges offers courses, online tools and free driving lessons. 

NRMA driver training

Access driver courses and training to accrue the hours, experience and knowledge needed to get your licence.

Drive for Life

The Salvation Army offers eligible young people mentoring and training, including professional driving lessons, to help get a driver licence.

Driving Change Program

Weave Youth & Community Services provides help with studying and driving, as well as access to professional driving instructors.

Proof of identity support

To get a driver licence, you will need to prove your identity. There is a range of support to help you confirm your identity and get a birth certificate or proof of Aboriginality. 

You may be asked if you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander by government agencies. We do this so we can provide you with culturally appropriate, tailored support wherever possible and preferred. It is your choice to advise us if you identify. Choosing to identify helps us continue to improve our services for other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Proof of identity for driver licences

Find out what you need to prove your identity to get a driver licence.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander births

Registering your baby's birth is free and will get your new bub off to the right start to get their driver licence in the future.

Apply for a birth certificate

A birth certificate is needed as proof of identity to get a driver licence. You can apply for a birth certificate online, by post, or in person at a Service NSW Centre.

Stolen Generations identification support

Link-Up (NSW) offers identification support through a number of programs. 

Proof of Aboriginality

You may be asked to provide proof or confirmation of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage when applying for certain services.

Confirmation of identity form

If you have insufficient identity documents available, you can download and complete a confirmation of identity form.

Fines, offences and suspensions

If you received a fine or offence against your licence, or your licence is suspended, these resources may be helpful:

Last updated: 15 April 2024