
You'll need a licence under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 before you undertake an activity for scientific, educational or conservation purposes that is likely to result in one or more of the following:

  • harm to any protected animal, or to an animal that is a threatened species or is part of a threatened ecological community
  • harm to any protected native plant, or any plant that is a threatened species or is part of a threatened ecological community
  • damage to an area of outstanding biodiversity value
  • damage to a habitat of a threatened species or ecological community.

You'll also need a licence if you plan to:

  • collect voucher specimens for identification purposes
  • pick cuttings or whole plants, or
  • collect seed.

What you need

  • your qualifications
  • your concession card details (if applicable)
  • details of your organisation, employer or university (for projects by academic staff and students) including ABN and/or ACN
  • the personal details and contact information for collaborators or staff who will work independently under the licence as associates
  • a list of referees who can verify details in the application
  • the specific locations you want to conduct your research including anywhere across National Parks and Wildlife Service managed lands or other areas
  • details of the species, populations or communities that may be affected by your activities and the likely impacts of the project
  • your payment.

To make sure you have all the information and documents you need to complete your application, visit Department of Planning and Environment.

How to apply

  1. Gather the required information.
  2. Select the 'Apply online' button.
  3. Log in or create an account.
  4. Follow the prompts to apply for a scientific licence.

Payment methods

There is a fee for the initial licence and any subsequent renewal(s) of that licence.

You can pay online by credit or debit card (Mastercard or Visa).

Last updated: 2 July 2024

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