
If your tertiary institution's student ID card is not recognised by Transport for NSW (TfNSW), you'll need a transport concession entitlement card when you're travelling on your Opal concession card within the Opal network.

The transport concession entitlement card proves you’re entitled to concession fares. It can also be used as proof of entitlement on public transport outside the Opal network in regional/rural NSW.


You must be residing permanently in NSW, and:

  • an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia
  • enrolled in an Australian Qualifications Framework, accredited higher education or vocational education and training course
  • a full-time student enrolled on an internal basis (except where a person, by reason of disability, is enrolled on a part-time basis and/or on an external basis).

International students on an Endeavour Scholarship, an Australian Awards Scholarship, or a Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship, are also eligible.

What you need

  • student ID or TAFE NSW Tertiary Student Learner Number
  • your institution's name (if applicable)
  • to have given consent for the tertiary institution to share your details with TfNSW, at least 2 days before you apply for your transport concession entitlement card:
    • if your institution doesn’t have a specific online form for this, you'll need to complete a consent form – PDF and hand it in to your student centre.

How to apply

  1. Check the eligibility requirements.
  2. Ensure you've given consent for your tertiary institution to share your details with TfNSW at least 2 days ago. 
  3. Select the 'Apply online' button. 
  4. Select the entitlement type.
  5. Enter your student ID number and your institution's name (if applicable).
  6. Complete the online application.

More information

You must carry your transport concession entitlement card at all times as proof of entitlement when travelling with a concession Opal card, or travelling in regional/rural NSW.

The card:

  • is free, and valid for up to 15 months as long you’re still eligible. You need to apply to renew it by 31 March every year.
  • is specific to one institution. If you change institutions, you'll need to apply for another card.
  • entitles you to concession fares on regular local bus services outside the Opal network – check with your Local Transport Operators to find out if you're entitled to concession fares on privately-operated local bus services.
  • together with your concession Opal card entitles you to a concession Sydney Airport station access fee.
  • does not entitle you to concession fares on fast ferries between Manly and Circular Quay, event shuttle buses, charter bus services or Great Southern Rail services.
Last updated: 28 November 2023

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