
If you want to relocate your mooring site within the same designated mooring area, you need to apply to Transport for NSW (TfNSW).

Your application will only be processed once your preferred site becomes available.

The general position of mooring sites is determined at the discretion of TfNSW and may involve approvals/permits from other agencies. Sites are subject to an ongoing range of assessment factors including:

  • safety of navigation
  • the environment
  • the amenity of the area. 

Note: Some sites may not be permitted to proceed based on these factors.

What you need

  • the PDF form – 'Application for Relocation of Private Mooring within the Same Mooring Area Code'
  • your proof of identity.

How to apply

  1. Select the 'Download PDF form' button.
  2. Complete the form and submit your application by post or email to the details on the form.
Last updated: 23 May 2024

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