
The Veterans Employment Program (VEP) provides help and support for veterans who are interested in pursuing a career in the NSW public sector. It was developed from research led by the NSW Office for Veterans Affairs (OVA) which now oversees the program.

The research found that the skills and experience of Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel aligned with a broad range of roles within government, from entry-level to executive positions. 

VEP for veterans

To assist veterans seeking employment, the VEP provides tools and resources to help them find and apply for a role that complements their military skills and experience. They include:

If you're no longer in the ADF and are looking for a career in the NSW public sector, visit the VEP website for more comprehensive information, or contact them on 1300 838 233.

VEP for hiring managers

To help employers better understand the transferability of veterans' skills to the public sector workplace, the VEP provides 2 guides in addition to the interactive Rank to grade guide tool:

The above guides lay out the ADF rank structure and accompanying skills, and how they relate to NSW government and local government capability framework levels.

If you're interested in hiring a veteran for your team, or you'd like more information call 1300 838 233 or visit the VEP website.

Last updated: 14 February 2024

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