
If you've decided to marry, you need to give an authorised marriage celebrant, either civil or religious, at least one month's notice of your intended date.

When you've chosen your celebrant you can then complete the Notice of Intended Marriage form.

A Notice of Intended Marriage is valid for up to 18 months.


Marriageable age

  • The marriageable age is 18 years. If a person, not yet 18, wishes to marry prior to their 18th birthday, only a court empowered to give a 'Section 12' order can give authority for the marriage to be solemnised.
  • 2 persons aged under 18 years are not permitted to marry each other.
  • A Notice Of Intended Marriage may be lodged prior to the 18th birthday, as long as the marriage occurs after the birthday.

Evidence of age

  • Both parties are required to provide the marriage celebrant with proof of age. If born in Australia, a full Australian birth certificate (not a commemorative certificate) must be provided. If born overseas, a foreign birth certificate or a valid overseas passport will be accepted. If these are in another language, they must be translated into English by an authorised interpreter/translation service.
  • If you're unable to comply, please contact your marriage celebrant.

Previous marriages

  • If either party has been previously married, you must provide the marriage celebrant with evidence of the termination with either a divorce certificate (if divorced) or a full death certificate (if widowed). Certificates in a foreign language must be translated into English by an authorised interpreter/translation service.
  • Photocopies are not accepted.

What you need

  • personal and contact details for both parties
  • personal details of both parties' parents
  • proof of age and marital status for each party
  • details of previous marriage(s) (if applicable)
  • details of children from previous marriage(s) (if applicable)
  • an authorised celebrant to complete the relevant section of the form.

How to apply

  1. Check the eligibility requirements.
  2. Download Notice of Intended Marriage – PDF.
  3. Provide your celebrant with the completed form and witnessed signatures.

Payment methods

You can review transaction payment options on our payment methods page.

Last updated: 12 January 2024