
Fraud is dishonestly obtaining a benefit by deception or other means.

If you suspect a business is defrauding the NSW Government in relation to any disaster payments, grants, voucher schemes, landowners and tenants relief, and/or any other NSW Government emergency assistance, you can report it online via the NSW Fraud Reporting Portal.

The types of fraud can include, but are not limited to:

  • false or misleading information being provided
  • accounting fraud
  • a business that is not eligible
  • a fake business
  • double dipping and receiving funds a business is not entitled to
  • business identity theft
  • breaching terms and conditions.


Anyone who is aware of, or suspects fraudulent business activity should report it. If you're not able to report online, call 13 77 88 and we'll advise you how to make your report.

What you need

  • the name of the business
  • the type of fraud
  • the amount of money involved (if known)
  • a summary of the allegation
  • evidence to validate your allegation (if available)
  • how and where it occurred (if applicable)
  • your contact details (you can remain anonymous if you prefer).

How to report

  1. Select the 'Report online' button.
  2. Follow the prompts to report fraud.
  3. A page confirming that your report has been received will display. Make a note of the confirmation number.

Note: It is an offence to provide false and/or misleading information.

More information

  • All reports of suspected fraud are taken seriously.
  • Service NSW has processes in place to ensure that any payments made on the basis of incorrect, incomplete, or fraudulent information are recovered.
  • If evidence of criminal activity is identified, the matter will be referred to NSW Police and law enforcement action may be taken.
  • If you have further information to add to your initial report, please call 13 77 88.
Last updated: 26 April 2024

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