Street address:

321 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Postal address:

GPO Box 4052
Sydney NSW 2001

About icare

icare operates and provides services for the NSW Government's insurance and care schemes, which include: 

  • Workers Insurance provides workers compensation insurance to employers and employees in NSW.
  • Lifetime Care provides treatment and care to people who have a severe injury such as a spinal cord or traumatic brain injury caused by a motor vehicle accident in NSW.
  • CTP Care provides treatment and care to people who have a motor accident injury with long-term needs and an ongoing NSW CTP claim.
  • Workers Care Program is for people in Workers Insurance, with an injury the same as the Lifetime Care Scheme.
  • Dust Diseases Care compensates and supports workers who have developed a dust disease from occupational exposure in NSW.
  • Home Building Compensation Fund helps home owners to rectify incomplete or defective works done by a builder or tradesperson.
  • Insurance for NSW provides workers compensation insurance to public sector agencies and their workers across NSW, as well as protecting the state's assets, including the iconic Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, as well as critical government infrastructure like schools and hospitals.
  • Sporting Injuries insurance provides cover for registered players and officials of sporting organisations that have insurance cover through icare sporting injuries insurance scheme.

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Last updated: 18 March 2024

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