
If you have a historic vehicle and you want to participate in events organised by historic vehicle clubs or community organisations, you'll need to apply for a conditional vehicle registration.


You must:

The vehicle must be:

  • 30 years or older
  • as close to original condition as possible, with no alterations other than safety features such as seatbelts and turn indicators, or period accessories and options
  • officially declared as safe to drive.

What you need

  • your proof of identity– for example, NSW driver licence
  • proof of registration entitlement such as an original receipt for the purchase of the vehicle
  • a vehicle safety check report if the historic vehicle club you are a member of is less than 2 years old
  • the PDF form – 'Historic Vehicle Declaration' as proof of your membership of a recognised historic vehicle club
  • the PDF form – 'Application for Conditional Registration'
  • fee payment

How to apply

  1. Complete the Form 1246 Application for Conditional Registration – PDF.
  2. Complete the Form 1259 Historic Vehicle Declaration – PDF and have it signed by an official of your recognised historic vehicle club.
  3. Submit your application and supporting documents in person at a Service NSW Centre.

More information

  • Historic vehicles must display conditional registration number plates and a current registration label.
  • Name bars can be attached to the number plate, but must not cover the number plate.
  • Historic vehicles can be used:
    • for events organised by a recognised historic vehicle club or community group, only if an invitation is received and recorded by the club in the Day Book (the official minutes of the club)
    • on the road if they need to be serviced, or if an inspection is needed
    • on a longer road journey, if you tell your club and the details are recorded in the Day Book.
  • If you want to use your historic vehicle to transport passengers for weddings or other functions, you'll need to check the requirements under the Passenger Transport Act 1990, seek approval from the club, and have the details recorded in the Day Book.
  • NSW historic vehicles may be used for a short time in other states and territories under the same conditions that apply in NSW.
Last updated: 13 June 2024

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