
Building practitioners working on regulated buildings need to apply for registration, to:

  • make declarations that class 2, 3, or 9c buildings or buildings with a class 2, 3, or 9c part will be constructed to designs that are compliant with the Building Code of Australia
  • lodge regulated designs on the NSW Planning Portal for class 2, 3, or 9c buildings or buildings with a class 2, 3, or 9c part.

Class 2 buildings are residential apartment buildings. They’re typically multi-unit, multi-storey buildings where people live above and below each other.

Note: If you're already registered as a building practitioner under the DBP Act and working on class 2 buildings, you do not need to reapply. Your registration will automatically allow you to work on class 3 and 9c.

In this application, building practitioners can apply for:

  • general
  • general (medium rise) or
  • general (low rise)
    • if you’re authorised to make compliance declarations for building work
    • if you prepare and provide required documents for building work
    • if you hold a contractor licence for general building work under the Home Building Act 1989.
  • body corporate nominee
  • body corporate nominee (medium rise) or
  • body corporate nominee (low rise)
    • if you’re a registered building practitioner that has been nominated by a body corporate
    • if the body corporate that has nominated you holds a building practitioner - body corporate registration
    • if you’re authorised to prepare and provide documents as a building practitioner on behalf of a registered body corporate
    • if you hold a supervisor certificate or you’re authorised to do general building work under the Home Building Act 1989.

You can register for 1, 3 or 5 years. Fees are applicable.


To be eligible to apply, you need to:

What you need

  • a MyServiceNSW Account
    • you can create one when you start your application
    • you may need details from 2 identity documents (such as Australian driver licence, Medicare card, passport)
  • your National Police Check certificate that is valid for 4 months when you submit your application (name and date of birth check only)
  • your endorsed contractor licence authorising you to do general building work, or a supervisor certificate
  • your contact details
  • a current credit card for payment.

How to apply

  1. Check the eligibility criteria for the registration types and classes you want to apply for.
  2. Gather your certificates and other required documents.
  3. Select the ‘Apply online’ button.
    Note: You can save and resume your application, but if you have not submitted it within 60 days, any details you’ve entered will be deleted.
  4. Log in, or create your MyServiceNSW Account.
  5. Select and verify your 2 identity documents.
  6. Select the registration types and classes you’re applying for.
  7. Select the duration of your registration.
  8. Answer all questions in the digital form, including those on your suitability to perform the work and your background.
  9. Upload your supporting documents.
  10. Review your answers and give consent to process your application.
  11. Enter your payment details.
  12. Select ‘Submit’.


To apply for building practitioner registration with NSW Fair Trading, you’ll need to create or log in with a MyServiceNSW Account.

By logging in you consent to sharing your name and email address in your MyServiceNSW Account with NSW Fair Trading, a division of the Department of Customer Service.

The Building practitioner registration – privacy collection notice explains how your personal information will be handled once it is shared by Service NSW.

More information

When you apply for registration, you’ll:

  • need to wait for your application for registration to be assessed and approved by NSW Fair Trading before you can declare or lodge designs
  • be contacted by NSW Fair Trading if further information is needed
  • be notified about the result of your application within 8 weeks of submitting it (unless placed on hold, pending further information)
  • receive your registration ID if approved.
Last updated: 22 January 2025

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