
If you're a public housing tenant and you're no longer eligible for social housing, or you're wanting to get started in the private rental market, you may be able to apply for a loan for up to 100% of your rental bond. 

The loan is interest-free and the payments you make are returned to you at the end of the tenancy if there's no claim made by the landlord or real estate agent.


You're eligible for Rentstart Move if:

  • you're a public housing tenant or joint tenant
  • your rent and all other Department of Communities and Justice – Housing (DCJ Housing) accounts have a nil balance or are in credit
  • you have less than $5,000 in cash assets
  • you do not own or part own a property
  • your private rental will be no more than 50% of your household’s total gross weekly income
  • you have not moved into your new private rental accommodation.  

How to apply

  1. Find the private rental accommodation you wish to move into.
  2. Visit your local public housing office or call 1800 422 322 to apply for Rentstart Move. 

Note: Make sure to apply before moving into your private rental, otherwise you'll not be eligible for the loan.

More information

  • Your bond loan repayment plan will be based on how much of your income you'll be spending on rent.
  • For advice on getting started in the private rental market, refer to private rental assistance.
Last updated: 20 May 2024

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