
If you want to contract, sub-contract or advertise to do electrical wiring work in NSW, you need a NSW electrical contractor licence.

An electrical licence is required before any electrical wiring work can be undertaken, regardless of the cost of the work, or whether it's residential, commercial or industrial.

Our online tool will help you get started applying for a licence in NSW. 

The tool will guide you through a questionnaire to help identify the correct forms and documents relevant to your situation. 

Working in NSW with an interstate licence

Under the Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) scheme, holders of certain interstate licences can work automatically in NSW but must notify the licence regulator of their intention to work.


Individuals wishing to apply for a new NSW electrical contractor licence.

Note: Companies, partnerships or contractors in a different trade are not eligible to apply using this tool. 

What you need

  • a MyServiceNSW Account.

After you've completed the questionnaire, you'll be provided with the following forms/documents for your application:

  • supporting documents for additional details (if applicable)
  • 'Referee's Statement Electrical Work' (if applicable).

You'll need to provide the following supporting documentation: 

  • identity documents as indicated in Proving your identity
  • original copies of:
    • your qualifications from TAFE or another Registered Training Organisation
    • your TAFE transcript of results, or your academic transcript from another Registered Training Organisation
  • certificate of proficiency or craft certificate
  • certificate of eligibility to obtain insurance (if applicable).

How to get started

  1. Select the ‘Start online’ button.
  2. Log in, or create your MyServiceNSW Account.
  3. Follow the prompts and complete the questionnaire.
  4. Download the forms and documents displayed. 
  5. Gather the required supporting documentation.
  6. Complete your forms and upload them with your documents.
  7. Follow the prompts to book your appointment at a service centre.
  8. To finalise your application, attend your appointment:
    1. with your identity documents
    2. get your profile photo taken
    3. make your payment.

More information

Applications are assessed by NSW Fair Trading – see the assessment process for more information.

Payment methods

  • Cash
  • Cheque (personal or bank)
  • Credit or debit card
  • Money order

A merchant fee may apply when paying by credit or debit card.

Last updated: 28 November 2023

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