
If your organisation is involved with children, whether it's in a paid or voluntary capacity, you must register it online with the Office of the Children's Guardian. Registering also allows you to verify that your workers have valid Working with Children Checks (WWCCs).

Lost employer registration number

If you are registered under the current system and cannot find your employer registration number, complete the online form with your email address, organisation name and ABN.

What you need

  • name and contact details of the business/organisation
  • ABN number
  • name and contact details of one or 2 senior people within the organisation who'll be notified should a worker become barred.

How to register

  1. Select the 'Register online' button.
  2. Follow the prompts to register the organisation.

More information

  • Sole traders with no employees do not need to register. Sole traders must give their WWCC details to the client for them to verify.
  • Once you submit your form, you can log in with your username and password and verify the WWCC status of your employees and/or volunteers, or update your details.
Last updated: 17 April 2024

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