
You can request a review of a fine (fine notice, fine reminder notice or overdue fine) if:

  • you believe a mistake has been made, or
  • there were special circumstances that led to the offence.

The outcome of the review could be the fine is to stand, you being let off with a caution or the fine being cancelled.

Revenue NSW will consider your personal situation and any special circumstances that resulted in you receiving the fine.

If you have had your driver licence for more than 10 years and have a clear driving record, you may be eligible for a caution for some offences. If you are eligible, a caution will automatically be applied during the review process. Cautions do not apply for serious offences.

Before requesting a review, you should consider:

For more information, refer to the Review Assist Guide and Request a review.

What you need

  • your date of birth and driver licence details (if applying online)
  • your address, date of birth and driver licence number (if applying by post)
  • your fine notice number
  • the date of the offence
  • any supporting evidence.

You can find examples of supporting evidence in the Review Assist Guide.

How to request

  1. Select the 'Request a review' button.
  2. Follow the prompts to request a review.

When your request is received, a hold will be put on the fine. You'll be notified once a final decision is made.

Note: You can also request a review in writing and sent it by post.

More information

  • Make sure you request a review before the due date on the fine notice to avoid further costs or action.
  • Once you've submitted your request, you can return to the online service to track its progress.
  • If the review is unsuccessful, you can apply to go to court for a fine.
  • You can't request a review and apply to go to court at the same time, as this will cancel the review. Your matter will then only be heard in court.
Last updated: 20 March 2024