If you have a strata issue with a resident, owner, or the owners corporation, you can:

  • talk about the issue with the other party – issues can often be resolved this way, as someone may be unaware of how something is impacting you. 
  • contact the owners corporation – the owners corporation might decide to speak on your behalf, issue a warning letter or a notice to comply, or apply for mediation. 
  • use NSW Fair Trading's free mediation service – you can apply online or by visiting a Service NSW Centre. This service is only available for disputes governed by strata law.
  • go to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal – going to the Tribunal is a last resort. Mediation is often compulsory for most strata disputes before you can lodge an application with the Tribunal.

For more information, refer to Strata disputes.

If you have a strata issue with a strata manager or building manager:

  • talk to the manager or your strata committee
  • make a complaint with NSW Fair Trading, if necessary.

For more information, refer to Strata complaints.

If you are renting in strata and have an issue:

  • carefully read the terms of your rental agreement
  • talk through the issues with all parties involved (including the landlord or agent) and put in writing any agreement that you reach on how to resolve the issue
  • use NSW Fair Trading’s free tenancy and real estate complaint service.

For more information, refer to Rental problems.

Last updated: 28 November 2023

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