Support for 2023 and 2024 events

Disaster Relief Grant

  • For individuals
  • Amount varies on damage assessment

If your home or essential household items were damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster, you may be eligible to apply.

Australian Government support

As support becomes available, it will be listed on the Services Australia website.

There are no current events in NSW eligible for Australian Government support.

Support for 2022 events

Flood property assessment program

  • For individuals and small businesses
  • Covers cost of property assessment

Free structural assessments of eligible properties for people impacted by flood events in February and March 2022 or June and July 2022.

Resilient homes program

  • For individuals
  • Amount varies based on assessment

Assistance for buy-back, raising, or retrofitting of homes if you were impacted by storms and floods in the Northern Rivers area in February 2022.

Other support

Disaster Assistance Finder

Complete the online questionnaire to receive a personalised list of programs and services you may be eligible for.

Last updated: 11 June 2024

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