Certain food producers and businesses in NSW must hold a licence from the NSW Food Authority to operate.

You will need to apply for a NSW Food Authority licence if your business: 

  • produces, grades, processes or stores eggs (except small egg farms)
  • produces or stores dairy, or is a dairy vendor or factory 
  • handles, processes, packs or stores red meat or poultry (except small poultry meat farms) for humans or animals (includes retail butchers) 
  • handles and wholesales seafood (excluding shellfish) 
  • cultivates, harvests or depurates shellfish
  • produces plant products, such as seed sprouts, vegetables in oil or unpasteurised juices 
  • provides food service to vulnerable persons in hospitals and aged care facilities  
  • transports any of the foods above. 

To get started visit the NSW Food Authority.

Note: All other food businesses must notify their local council or the Food Authority.

Last updated: 29 February 2024

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