
If you want to run a business buying and selling used items or unwanted, unused goods such as gifts, you'll need a second-hand dealer licence.

If you offer loans to people using their property as collateral, you'll also need a pawnbroker licence.

Pawnbroker and second-hand dealer licences can be issued separately, or together as a combined licence.


You must:

  • be aged 18 years or over
  • be a 'fit and proper person' to hold a licence
  • not be a disqualified person.

What you need

  • the PDF form – 'Application for a Licence Under the Pawnbrokers and Second-Hand Dealers Act'
  • your payment
  • proof of identity (such as driver licence or passport).

How to apply

  1. Select the 'Download PDF form' button.
  2. Complete the form and submit your application in person at a Service NSW Centre, or by email using the details on the form.

Payment methods

You can review transaction payment options on our payment methods page.

Last updated: 28 November 2023

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