If you’re a professional driver with an unrestricted driver licence and receive a Notice of Suspension or your licence renewal is refused, you can apply to increase your demerit points limit from 13 to 14 points at a Service NSW Centre.
To apply you must have:
- a professional driver status
- held an unrestricted NSW Driver Licence for the past 6 months
- accumulated 13 demerit points
- received a Notice of Suspension and the suspension period has not started, or
- had your licence renewal refused for accumulating 13 demerit points.
What you need
- your contact details
- your employer’s name (your own name if self-employed)
- your job title
- the number of hours per week you are paid to drive
- a completed Professional Driver Declaration form (available at service centres)
- your Driver Authority number and expiry date (if you’re a bus, taxi or hire car driver)
- the taxi operator and network you drive for (if applicable)
- your Notice of Suspension (if applicable).
How to apply
- Check your eligibility.
- Gather your documents and visit a service centre to apply.
What happens next
If your application is successful, you can continue to drive. If you subsequently reach or exceed 14 demerit points, your licence will be suspended or your licence renewal will be refused.
If your application is unsuccessful, you can apply to elect a good behaviour period before your suspension starts. If you do so, you cannot apply for professional driver status if you’re later suspended from driving due to further demerit point offences.
Last updated: 5 February 2025