
If you believe that having your address on the publicly available electoral roll could put you or your family’s safety at risk, you can apply to be registered as a silent elector with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). This means your address will not be shown on future electoral rolls. Only your name and electoral division will appear.

Your application for silent elector status must explain in detail what you consider the risk to be and why your, or your family’s, personal safety is at risk. 

The Divisional Returning Officer will notify you of the decision in writing. The information in your application will remain strictly confidential.


You must be:

  • enrolled to vote before applying for silent elector status
  • able to support your claim for silent elector status. 

What you need

How to apply

  1. Select the ‘Apply online’ button.
  2. Complete the online form.
  3. Upload your completed statutory declaration form.
  4. Enter the verification code.
  5. Submit the form. 

If you cannot submit your application online:

  1. Complete and print Registration as a silent elector in New South Wales (Australian Electoral Commission) – PDF. If you need a paper form, contact the AEC.
  2. Return your completed and signed form, as well as your statutory declaration, by:
    1. scanning and saving the form and statutory declaration (PDF, JPG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF or GIF formats only), then uploading the documents to the AEC website
    2. visiting an AEC office in person
    3. mailing it, without a stamp (if posted in Australia), to: 
      Australian Electoral Commission
      Reply Paid 9867
      Sydney NSW 2001

More information

Family members with the same surname who are enrolled at your address should also consider becoming silent electors to stop the address from being associated with your surname on the electoral roll. They must submit their own application for silent registration and can request silent status on the grounds that you have it.

Last updated: 26 July 2024

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