
If you're an Australian citizen aged 18 years or over, you are legally required to enrol to vote with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC).

Once you have enrolled to vote, it is your responsibility to keep your enrolment details up to date

You must vote in federal, state and local elections. If you fail to vote without a valid reason, you could be fined

To find out about upcoming elections in NSW, visit the NSW Electoral Commission.

Learn more about how to vote in an election.


You can enrol to vote with the AEC if you:

  • are an Australian citizen
  • are a British citizen who was enrolled to vote in Australia on or before 25 January 1984, and
  • are aged 16 years or older, and
  • have lived at your current address for at least one month.

Note: You can enrol when you turn 16 years of age but cannot vote until you’re 18.

What you need

  • your personal details
  • your address details
  • one proof of identity:
    • Australian driver licence
    • Australian passport
    • Medicare card details
    • Australian citizenship number
    • an enrolled voter who can confirm your identity.

How to enrol

You can enrol to vote online.

  1. Select the ‘Enrol online’ button.
  2. Complete the online form.
  3. Read the declaration.
  4. Submit the form.

If you cannot enrol online:

  1. Complete and print Enrol to vote or update your details – PDF. If you need a paper form, contact the AEC.
  2. Return your completed and signed form by:
    1. scanning and saving the form (PDF, JPG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF or GIF formats only), then uploading it to the AEC website
    2. visiting an AEC office in person
    3. mailing it, without a stamp (if posted in Australia), to: 
      Australian Electoral Commission
      Reply Paid 9867
      Sydney NSW 2001

For help updating your enrolment details, call 13 23 26.   

More information

  • You only need to complete one form for local, state and federal government elections.
Last updated: 3 February 2025

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