
If you need to update your address, email address and/or contact number on a 1-year or 3-year recreational fishing licence, you can do this online, as long as your current email address or mobile phone number is recorded with the Department of Primary Industries.

What you need

  • your name and licence number
  • your new contact details.

How to apply

  1. Select the 'Change online' button.
  2. Follow the prompts to update your contact details.


The Privacy Collection Notice explains how the NSW Department of Primary Industries will handle your personal information.

If you're completing this application on behalf of the licence holder, you must have their consent.

More information

  • You can access a digital version of your recreational fishing licence through the Service NSW app.
  • You can also update your contact details online, when you renew your licence.
  • To make sure that you have all the information and documentation you need to complete this transaction, please visit the Department of Primary Industries.
Last updated: 25 July 2024

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