Transport for NSW must be notified if a heavy vehicle has been written-off so it can be recorded on the Written-Off Heavy Vehicles Register (WOHVR).

You must notify within 7 days after:

  • the vehicle has been assessed as a write-off and before disposal of the vehicle
  • the vehicle has been sold by a self-insurer to a vehicle recycler
  • a vehicle recycler decides to dismantle or demolish the vehicle.

How to notify

  1. Download the form Written-Off Heavy Vehicles Register Notification – PDF.
  2. Return the completed form using the details on the form.

Note: Assessors (that is an insurer, self-insurer, motor vehicle recycler, or motor dealer) and licensed repairers must refer to the Written-off heavy vehicle policies and procedures - PDF which details their responsibilities under written-off vehicle law.

Last updated: 17 January 2025

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