About the rebate

Eligible motorists with a personal toll account that spent $402 or more on tolls from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 can claim a 40% rebate.

Find out more about how to claim the toll relief rebate


Who can claim

Find out if you're eligible to claim the toll relief rebate.

Toll account eligibility

There are a few things you need to consider with your toll account when you claim.

You can have:

  • more than one vehicle on your personal toll account if you have let your NSW toll provider know the licence plate numbers of all the vehicles
  • vehicles on your personal toll account that are registered in different names as long as the licence plate numbers are linked to your account
  • more than one tag linked to your account
  • more than one personal toll account at your residential address.

You cannot:

  • transfer your toll account to another person
  • combine the toll spend with another toll account
  • claim the rebate on a vehicle that is not linked to your personal toll account.

Claiming the rebate

What you can claim

If you spent $402 or more on eligible tolls in the 2023-24 financial year, you can claim up to $802.

Your toll account will show your cumulative toll spend across all NSW toll roads.

Closing date for claims

Claims close 30 June 2025.

Video instructions

Note: The video refers to 2022-23 rebate amounts.


Speaker: If you spend more than $375 dollars on your personal toll account in a year. 

Description: ‘More than $375’ appears on the screen.

Speaker: You might be eligible for a cash rebate of up to 750 dollars.

Description: ‘Up to $750’ appears on the screen.

Speaker: Here is how you can check your eligibility and claim your rebate. Before you start, check your toll account details are up to date with your Toll Provider E-Toll or Linkt.

Description: E-Toll and Linkt logos appear on the screen.

Speaker: Step 1.

Description: ‘Step 1’ appears on the screen.

Speaker: Login to your MyServiceNSW account.

Description: Laptop photo appears on the screen.

Speaker: And add the Toll Relief Service on your My Services dashboard.

Description: My Services dashboard animation appears on the screen.

Speaker: This will take you to the Toll Relief webpage where you can learn more about the rebate.

Description: Toll Relief webpage animation appears on the screen.

Speaker: Click Claim online which takes you to the Manage Toll Accounts page.

Description: Manage Toll Accounts screen appears on the screen.

Speaker: Step 2.

Description: ‘Step 2’ appears on the screen.

Speaker: Link your personal toll account to your MyServiceNSW account. For Personal claims click Link toll account under Personal toll account.

Description: Manage Toll Accounts screen animation appears on the screen.

Speaker: Follow the prompts to verify your identity.

Description: Verify identity screen animation appears on the screen.

Speaker: And check your MyServiceNSW account details are up to date.

Description: Verify MyServiceNSW account details screen animation appears on the screen.

Speaker: Follow the prompts to enter your toll account details, read and accept the Terms and Conditions and click Save.

Description: Link toll account screen animation appears on the screen.

Speaker: Once saved, you should see your toll account displayed on the page, then scroll down and click View Toll Tracker.

Description: Manage Toll Accounts screen animation appears on the screen.

Speaker: Toll Tracker allows you to check your toll spend and claim your rebate.

Description: Toll Tracker screen animation appears on the screen.

Speaker: Step 3.

Description: ‘Step 3’ appears on the screen.

Speaker: When you are eligible, Toll Tracker will display a Claim now button.

Description: Toll Tracker screen animation appears on the screen.

Speaker: To claim your rebate, click Claim now.

Description: Toll Tracker screen animation appears on the screen.

Speaker: Follow the prompts to enter and confirm your bank details.

Description: Enter and confirm bank details screens animations appear on the screen.

Speaker: Review your claim and submit.

Description: Review claim screen animation appears on the screen.

Speaker: You will receive your payment within 3 - 8 business days.

Description: ‘3 – 8 business days’ appears on the screen.

Speaker: Remember, once completing these steps you can use Toll Tracker at any time to see your toll spend, how much rebate you've been paid, how much you are accruing and when you are eligible to claim.

Description: Laptop photo appears on the screen.

Speaker: Just access Toll Tracker from your My Services dashboard.


If your Toll Tracker spend does not match your toll account statement

You need to have spent a minimum amount on tolls before you can claim.

Your Toll Tracker and toll account may show different amounts spent on tolls. This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • a delay in processing time with toll providers – trips can take up to a month to appear in your Toll Tracker
  • some toll roads, or issues with electronic tags, may cause delays
  • ineligible vehicle trips will not show in your Toll Tracker
  • journeys made at the end of an earlier financial year may show on your toll account but they do not count towards the rebate.


  • If you have issues with your toll tag you need to contact your toll provider.
  • If your vehicle licence plate is linked to your account and can be photo-matched through toll video capture, your toll will count towards eligible spend. The vehicle photo-matching fee does not count towards your eligible toll spend.

Opting out

If you do not want to claim the rebate anymore, you can opt out by unlinking your toll and MyServiceNSW Accounts. You can do this by removing the 'Toll Relief' service tile from the My Services section of your MyServiceNSW Account dashboard.

Other toll relief available

Personal customers

If you spend between $60 and $400 a week on tolls, you may also be able to claim toll relief – $60 weekly cap.

Sole traders

If you’re a sole trader with a personal and/or business toll account, find out about the sole trader toll relief rebate.

Need help?

MyServiceNSW Account

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Call Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS) on 13 14 50 and ask them to contact us on 13 77 88.

Last updated: 1 July 2024