
You'll need a general construction induction card, commonly called a white card, if any of the following apply:

  • you’re employed to carry out construction work
  • you enter operational construction zones:
    • unaccompanied or not directly supervised by an inducted person, or
    • due to the demands of your employment
  • you’ve had a white card but have not worked in construction for more than 2 years.

Note: A white card can be used in any Australian state or territory.


To hold a white card you must be aged 14 or over.

What you need

  • your proof of identity
  • a construction induction training course with a registered training organisation (RTO)
  • your payment (the training course fee is set independently by the RTO).

How to apply

  1. Select the 'Find an RTO' button.
  2. Follow the prompts to find an RTO.

When you've successfully completed your training, the RTO will:

  • send your application to SafeWork NSW
  • give you a statement of training that you can use for 60 days (until you receive your white card from SafeWork NSW).

More information

  • If you have a construction induction card from another Australian state or territory, you can use it in NSW – check to make sure your card is valid.
  • Your white card will usually arrive within 30 days. If you do not receive your card, call 13 10 50.
  • You need to take part in a safety induction each time you work on a new construction site.
  • Always carry your white card with you when you're at work.
  • Once you receive your white card, you can access it digitally through the Service NSW app.
  • You can verify NSW white cards online
Last updated: 23 April 2024

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