
A motor dealer wholesaler licence allows you to buy, sell or exchange motor vehicles with financiers and other licence holders.

You can buy vehicles from the public but you can't sell direct or through auction, to the general public.

You can apply for a 1-year, 3-year or 5-year licence, online.


You must:

  • be at least 18 years of age
  • be considered fit and proper for the purposes of the licence (NSW Fair Trading checks and considers police records)
  • not be disqualified from holding a licence as a result of a disciplinary action
  • not be a controlled member of a declared organisation
  • not have been found guilty, in the past 10 years, of a motor vehicle stealing offence
  • not be bankrupt
  • have sufficient financial resources to carry on your business in accordance with the requirements of Fair Trading
  • have approval from the relevant local council.

What you need

  • nominated licence duration (1, 3 or 5 years)
  • personal and contact details of either the individual or business partners
  • business details, including the registered name of the business
  • ACN /ABN number
  • the completed PDF form – 'Manager's Consent Form' (if applicable)
  • your payment.

How to apply

  1. Check the eligibility requirements.
  2. Select the 'Apply online' button.
  3. Follow the prompts to apply for your licence.

If you're unable to apply online:

  1. Download and complete Application for a Licence – PDF (including the Manager's Consent Form section, if applicable).
  2. Submit your application with payment at a Service NSW Centre.

More information

  • A corporation must nominate an individual to be manager of the day-to-day business of the licensee. An individual may manage the business themselves or nominate another individual to manage the business.
  • Where there is more than one manager, a separate Manager’s Consent Form must be completed for each manager.
  • Once you're licensed as a motor dealer wholesaleryou must display your licence name and number at your place of business, and publish them on any advertising or promotional material.
  • You don't need a motor dealer wholesaler licence for the following kinds of vehicles:
    • vehicles not acquired for the transport of goods or passengers on public roads (such as agricultural equipment)
    • vehicles with a mass over 4.5 tonnes (these are covered by the Heavy Vehicle National Law), and
    • vehicles that are not capable of being registered in NSW such as quad bikes, Segways, motorised wheelchairs and battery powered bikes.

Payment methods

You can review transaction payment options on our payment methods page.

Last updated: 28 November 2023

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