
If you need to update your address, email address and/or contact number on a maritime licence, you can do so online, as long as your current email address or mobile phone number is recorded with Transport for NSW.

To update your road licence details, see Change address with NSW Government.

What you need

  • your name and licence number
  • your new contact details.

How to change

  1. Select the 'Change online' button.
  2. Select 'Start'.
  3. Enter your licence or registration number, and your name.
  4. Select 'Next'.
  5. Update your details.

If you don't wish to update online, you can:

  1. Download and complete the Adjustment of records for NSW maritime clients – PDF
  2. Make sure you have all the required documentation, including proof of identity.
  3. Submit your application either in person at a service centre, or as follows:
  • licences and vessel registrations:
  • all other maritime products:
    • email your scanned documents to
    • post them to:
      Maritime Product Services
      Locked Bag 5100
      Camperdown NSW 1450

More information

You can also update your contact details when renewing your licence/registration:

Last updated: 28 November 2023

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