
The NSW Medical Energy Rebate helps eligible concession cardholders pay their electricity bills. It is for people who are not able to, or have someone living with them who is not able to, self-regulate their body temperature in extreme environmental temperatures (hot or cold). 

For on-supply customers, the NSW Medical Energy Rebate is $385 per embedded network household, per financial year.

If you are an embedded network (on supply) customer, you can apply for the rebate here.

If you are a retail (on-market) customer, contact your electricity retailer to apply.


  • Embedded network (‘on-supply') means your electricity is supplied by an embedded network – such as in a residential community, retirement village or strata scheme – and you receive your electricity bill or invoice from the strata manager or community/village operator. If you’re not sure whether you're an on-supply customer, contact the electricity provider named on your electricity bill. 
  • The Commonwealth Government has announced that households will receive up to $300 towards their electricity bill in the 2024–25 financial year.  More information will be available soon.


You may be eligible if you live in NSW and all of the following apply:

  • You have an electricity account for your home in NSW.
  • You are the account holder (the account and bill must be in your name).
  • You hold one of the following cards:
    • Pensioner Concession Card issued by Services Australia or the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
    • Health Care Card issued by Services Australia
    • Low Income Health Care Card issued by Services Australia
    • DVA Veteran Gold Card.
  • You or someone living with you:
    • is not able to self-regulate body temperature
    • is assessed by a registered medical practitioner (GP or specialist) who has been treating you or the person for at least 3 months, and
    • meets at least one Primary Qualifying Condition and at least one Secondary Qualifying Condition.

Note: A medical practitioner cannot provide an assessment if they are also the applicant.

What you need

  • your concession card details
  • the PDF form NSW Medical Energy Rebate Attachment A: Medical Declaration
  • a registered medical practitioner who can provide an assessment
  • a printed (not handwritten) copy of your latest electricity bill (JPG or PDF file) with:
    • your name and address printed on it
    • the most recent meter reading dates for your household (taken after 1 July in the current financial year and less than 3 months old)
  • your bank account details (to receive your rebate).

How to apply

  1. Check the eligibility requirements.
  2. Download and complete the 'applicant' and 'patient' section in the NSW Medical Energy Rebate: Medical Declaration – PDF.
  3. Ask your medical practitioner (GP or specialist) to complete the relevant sections of the form.
  4. Select the 'Apply online' button.
  5. Follow the prompts to apply for the rebate.

You'll receive a confirmation number and an email with details on what happens next.

If you're unable to apply online

  1. Download and complete the 'applicant' and 'patient' section in the NSW Medical Energy Rebate: Medical Declaration – PDF.
  2. Ask your medical practitioner (GP or specialist) to complete the relevant sections of the form.
  3. Attach a copy of your most recent electricity bill or invoice.
  4. Post your application to NSW Medical Energy Rebate, PO Box 435, Parramatta NSW 2124

More information

  • If you've been treated by different doctors from the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) for at least 3 months, you may still be eligible for the rebate.
  • Embedded network customers will receive the rebate as a lump sum payment of $385 deposited into their bank account.
  • Invoices must be printed, unless:
    • they have been prepared from a branded invoice book
    • the supplier does not have the capacity to provide printed invoices.
  • You can only receive the rebate for your principal place of residence.
  • A household can only receive one NSW Medical Energy Rebate each financial year.
  • If you receive the NSW Medical Energy Rebate, you may be eligible for the NSW Low Income Household Rebate or the NSW Gas Rebate.
  • Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders are not eligible for this rebate and can apply for the Seniors Energy Rebate instead.
Last updated: 19 July 2024

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