Quick exit
Street address:

Justice Precinct Offices, Level 1
160 Marsden Street
Parramatta NSW 2150

Postal address:

The Commissioner of Victims Rights, Victims Services
Locked Bag 5118
Parramatta NSW 2124

About Victims Services NSW

Victims Services, within the Department of Communities and Justice, administers the Victims Rights and Support Act 2013. 

We provide access to counselling and financial assistance to victims of violent crime in NSW under the Victims Support Scheme, promote the Charter of Victims Rights and deliver related programs.

Victims Support Scheme

The Victims Support Scheme helps people who are victims of a violent crime in NSW.

If you have been injured by a violent crime, we may be able to help you access counselling, financial assistance for immediate needs and economic loss, funeral expenses and recognition payment. 

To learn more or make an application, visit Victims Support Scheme.

Related agencies

Last updated: 27 January 2023

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