Street address:

NSW Police Force Headquarters
1 Charles Street
Parramatta NSW 2150

Postal address:

Locked Bag 5102
Parramatta NSW 2124

TTY Phone:
(02) 9211 3776

About NSW Police Force

The NSW Police Force works with the community to reduce violence, crime and fear. It aims to protect the community and property by:

  • preventing, detecting and investigating crime
  • monitoring and promoting road safety
  • maintaining social order
  • performing and coordinating emergency and rescue operations.

The backbone of the NSW Police Force are the Police Area Commands (PACs) and Police Districts (PDs), your local police. Here, most officers work as general duties police, detectives, highway patrol officers and in traffic services. 

Assisting our PACs and PDs are units with specialist roles such as road safety, fingerprinting, rescue, water police, air wing, intelligence analysis, anti terrorist and hostage negotiation, drug enforcement, child protection, fraud and major crime investigation.

Police stations in NSW

Use the police station search to find your local area command.

Specialist units

Last updated: 1 August 2023

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