

Supporting carers with programs, services, payments and concessions.

At some point in your life, you may need some type of care or support and many of us will become carers for someone close to us.

Carers provide ongoing unpaid support to people who need it because of their disability, chronic illness, mental illness, frail age, dementia or drug or alcohol dependency.

In NSW, the Carers (Recognition) Act 2010 defines carers and sets out principles for supporting carers.

If you’re caring for someone, there is a range of support available to help you with your caring role.

Note: If you need translation or interpreting services, see Help in your language.

Key carer support contacts

Carer Gateway

Carer Gateway is the national network of support services for carers. It provides in-person, online and phone services to carers across Australia, including:

  • carer support planning
  • in-person and online counselling and peer support
  • carer directed support packages
  • emergency and planned respite
  • self-guided coaching
  • online interactive courses, skills and education resources
  • financial information on carer payments, cards and concessions.

For more information, visit Carer Gateway or call 1800 422 737.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The NDIS is Australia’s first national scheme for people with disability. It provides funding directly to individuals under the age of 65 who have permanent and significant disability. NDIS participants use their funding to get support and services to help achieve their goals.

The NDIS also provides people with disability, including those not eligible for funding, with information and connections to services in their communities. NDIS-funded support and services may also have a direct or indirect benefit for families and carers.

For more information, visit NDIS or call 1800 800 110.

My Aged Care

My Aged Care is the starting point to access Australian Government-funded aged care services. My Aged Care can help older Australians, their families and carers get the help and support they need, including:

  • information on the different types of aged care services available
  • an assessment of needs to identify eligibility and the right type of care
  • referrals and support to find service providers that can meet your needs
  • information on possible costs for care.

For more information, visit My Aged Care or call 1800 200 422.

Carers NSW

Carers NSW is the peak non-government organisation for carers in NSW. Carers NSW works with all carers regardless of their age, location or personal circumstances. Services and programs include:

  • carer information, referrals and resources
  • education and training for carers and service providers
  • research and systemic advocacy
  • help finding a carer support group in your area
  • support for young carers and LGBTIQA+ carers
  • assistance with understanding aged care services and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
  • information on carer benefits/concessions and caring and paid work
  • support for organisations to create carer friendly workplaces with the Carers + Employers program
  • support for carers from a range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds, including information in other languages.

Visit Carers NSW or call 02 9280 4744 for more information.

Carers Australia

Carers Australia advocates and lobbies on a wide range of issues to improve the lives of Australia's carers.

NSW Health

NSW Health offers support, resources and advice for carers, including carer specific services in Local Health Districts. Information also includes a Patient information and privacy: a guide for carers and family pamphlet and resources for NSW Health employees in partnering with carers to provide the best possible support for their patients. 

NSW Carers Advisory Council

The NSW Carers Advisory Council advances the interests of carers. The Council provides advice to the NSW Government on legislation, policy and other matters relating to carers.


In an emergency or if someone is in danger, call Triple Zero (000) or go to a hospital emergency department.

Counselling services

Carer Gateway provides in-person and telephone counselling. Call 1800 422 737 from Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm.

There is 24/7 help available on the following numbers:

Emergency respite

To arrange emergency respite, visit Carer Gateway or call 1800 422 737.

Services and programs

There are a number of services and programs available for carers with specific needs and requirements.

Young carers

Seniors support services

There is a range of services available to older carers or carers of seniors, including various concessions and support services for future legal, health and financial needs. For more information visit the Seniors support page

Veterans support services

There is a range of programs, services and concessions available for veterans, their families and carers to help them transition from military to civilian life and to provide ongoing care and support. For more information visit the Veterans support page

Mental health

  • Mental Health Carers NSW (formerly Arafmi NSW) provides advocacy and support for families and friends of people experiencing mental illness. If you’re caring for someone with mental illness, you can contact the Carers Connection Helpline on 1300 554 660 to receive information, referrals and support.
  • NSW Family & Carer Mental Health Program provides training, education, group and one-on-one support for families and carers of people with mental illness in NSW. Visit NSW Health for contact details of services in your area.
  • Transcultural Mental Health Centre's Carer Support Program provides support and information for carers from culturally and linguistically diverse communities who are looking after someone experiencing a mental illness or childhood disorder. Carers can call the Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511 (24 hours/7 days a week).

Dementia helpline

The National Dementia Helpline is a free telephone service that provides information and advice to people living with dementia and their carers. The helpline also offers support to people concerned about changes in memory and thinking ability and people who work in health and aged care.

For more information, visit Dementia Australia or call the helpline on 1800 100 500 during business hours.

Rural Women's Network

The Rural Women’s Network is a statewide body that reflects and improves how we listen to regional, rural and remote women, linking them to information and services as well as creating opportunities that build personal and business resilience and strengthen regional, rural and remote communities. 

AIDS Council of New South Wales (ACON)

The AIDS Council of New South Wales (ACON) provides information and services on HIV prevention, HIV support services and up-to-date information on health issues affecting the LGBTIQA+ community.

For more information, visit ACON or call 1800 063 060.

Financial services

Health coaching

Ten free and confidential telephone-based health coaching sessions are available for NSW residents aged 16 or over.

If you’re at risk of developing chronic disease due to unhealthy eating habits, inadequate physical activity or being overweight, a health coach can help you set and track healthy lifestyle goals. These could include achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and/or reducing alcohol intake.

For more information, visit Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service or call 1800 806 258.

Rights and complaints

You can access 8 fact sheets on carer rights and how to uphold these rights by making a formal complaint, if you're concerned about the services delivered to you or the person you care for.

The NSW Ageing and Disability Commission (ADC) promotes the rights of older people and adults with disability to live free from abuse in their family, home and community. For information, resources and training go to the ADC website; or to report concerns of abuse, neglect and exploitation call the Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline on 1800 628 221.  


The Federal Government offers a range of payments and subsidies to carers, including:

  • Carer Payment
  • Carer Allowance
  • Carer Supplement
  • Carer Adjustment Payment
  • Child Disability Assistance Payment
  • Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme payment.

For more information, visit Payments for carers or call 132 717.

You may be eligible for other payments, such as:

  • Financial relief one-off payment in the event of a financial emergency, hardship or crisis. You can call 180 22 66 for assistance.
  • Bereavement payment if the person you care for dies, you may be entitled to receive up to 14 weeks of their Aged Care Pension or Carers Payment from the date of their death. For more information, call 132 717.

Discounts and savings

There is a range of concessions and discounts available for carers who meet the eligibility criteria. Please check each concession to ensure you meet the requirements.

Depending on your personal circumstances, you may qualify for additional concessions and rebates. You can:

Travel concessions

Health care and disability concessions

  • Health Care Card (call 136 240) provides discounted health services and medicines.
  • Chronic Disease Management Plan or Team Care Arrangements can be made with your GP, if the person you're caring for has a chronic condition or complex care needs. If you’re eligible, your plan may include Medicare benefits for visits to allied health providers, such as physiotherapists.
  • EnableNSW (call 1800 362 253) provides equipment and services to eligible people in NSW with chronic health conditions or disability to assist with mobility, communication and self-care. You can also receive financial assistance if you need to travel significant distances to access a specialist medical treatment which is unavailable locally.
  • Continence Aids Payment Scheme (call 1800 239 309) helps pay for continence products, if you have permanent and severe incontinence.
  • Medical Energy Rebate (call 137 788) provides up to $285/year in rebates to cover the cost of your energy bills if you’re unable to self-regulate your body temperature.
  • Life Support Energy Rebate (call 137 788) helps with the cost of running energy-intensive medical equipment at home.
  • Essential Medical Equipment Payment (call 132 717) is a single yearly payment to help with energy costs to run medical equipment or medically required heating or cooling.
  • Special Disability Trust (call 1800 734 750) is available for people with a severe disability. The trust can include money or assets to help provide for someone’s long-term care and accommodation needs. It will get concessional treatment under the social security means test.

Energy and utility concessions

There are a number of energy and utility concessions available, provided you meet the eligibility criteria. These include:

Call 13 77 88 or see Energy and utilities for a full list of available concessions.

Other concessions

  • Companion Card (call 1800 893 044) is for people with a significant and permanent disability. When a cardholder buys a ticket at selected venues and facilities around NSW, their carer or companion will be given a second ticket at no charge.
  • NSW Seniors Card or Senior Savers Card (call 13 77 88) holders can get discounts and special offers at over 7,400 businesses across NSW. The NSW Seniors Card also provides public transport concessions.
  • Council rate rebates are available to eligible pensioners. Contact your local council for more information.
  • Active and Creative Kids voucher: supporting eligible families with school-aged children to participate in sport, recreational, creative or cultural activities with registered providers.
  • carer's registration refund (call 13 22 13) on some of the vehicle tax paid when registering a vehicle may be available to you, if you receive the Commonwealth Carer Allowance and meet other requirements.

Retirement, estate planning and end of life

Carers often need to plan for their own retirement and their loved one’s end of life. A number of services are available to help you plan ahead and get support if your loved one dies.


If you need support and advice to plan for your retirement, visit:

End of life

For end of life information and resources, including caring for someone receiving palliative care, visit:

If the person you care for dies, you may be entitled to receive up to 14 weeks of their Aged Care Pension or Carers Payment from the date of their death.

Visit Bereavement payment or call 132 717.

Will, Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship

NSW Trustee and Guardian offers resources on how to make a will, Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardianship.

Visit Easy and flexible ways to plan ahead or call 1300 364 103.

Planning ahead for Aboriginal carers

The 'Aboriginal Wills Handbook' and the 'Taking care of business' booklet aim to enable Aboriginal people to make culturally appropriate planning ahead documents. These resources provide advice for kinship, burial and secret knowledge.

Visit Aboriginal planning ahead for more information.

Note: This is not a definitive list of services and support available for all carers’ needs and personal circumstances.

Last updated: 6 February 2025

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